How about a new Garden or enhance Mom’s existing Garden for Mother’s Day? The weather is perfect and this week or this Saturday would be a great time to make this happen. Your Garden Center has all the supplies and plants for a great Garden. Our Mix N’ Match promotion is in progress so you can choose Mother’s flowering and bedding plants and only the ones you want. Today’s flyer features the plants you will need and they are value priced @ $19.99 for a tray of 36. Please let Mother know that some of the plants will attract butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. Mother will be entertained all summer long. GC BIG BUCKS is also in progress. For every $50 you spend on merchandise, you will receive $5 in GC BIG BUCKS good on your next purchase. Like what you see? Please join us on Facebook for more great Mother’s gifts and ideas.
We are Your Total Care Garden Center.