Richard  and Sherry declare, “Marigold Week Continues.  Marigolds Now $7.99 were $9.99.”  When you drive down Dauphin Street by Tacon, there is a glow of Yellow and Orange from all the Marigolds that Your Garden Center has to offer.  Richard says that these Marigolds, “are the biggest and best ever.”  And he and Sherry dropped the price by $2.00 a pot.  And if you purchase 7 pots or any merchandise that totals more than $50, you will receive a $5 GC Halloween Big Buck, good on your next purchase.  10″ pots of Marigolds are value priced @ $23.99.  With our cooler nights,  this is the perfect time to purchase your Marigolds.  Like what you see?  Please join us on Facebook for more plants, arrangements and Garden tips.

We are Your Total Care Garden Center.