The Festival of Flowers begins next Friday in LoDa and Your Garden Center will be well represented.  The dates of the event are March 11 – 13 and is being held in Cathedral Square.  The theme of this year’s event is “By Land, Air & Sea.”  Your Garden Center will be competing head to head against 8 other teams for the People’s Choice Award.  Come and support Your Garden Center.  Molly and Sherry, your favorite plant and floral arrangers will be having a workshop on Friday March 11th at 11:00AM.  You do not want to miss this Spring into Spring workshop.  Other festival events include a Festival of Cars, Downtown Area Garden Tours, refreshments and other fun events.  For information:  All proceeds will be used to purchase Advanced MRI Patient Care Monitors at Ascension Providence Hospital.  We will see you there.

We are Your Total Care Garden Center.